Some 4K monitors are made with LCD and LED technology. Because of this, the experience of visual entertainment has evolved as well. It has evolved so much that we can experience watching movies from the comfort of our own home with a 4K monitor. Various PC monitors give the experience of watching a movie in a theater. Here, we list down some of the best 4K PC monitors that will give you the big-screen experience from a small screen. If you’re looking to learn how to download movies or install a free movie player like Megabox HD APK, we’ve got articles and guides just for you

Benefits of Owning a 4K PC Monitor for Watching Movies

An advantage of having 4K monitors for movies at home is that it saves you a lot of effort and money. Going to the theater for a movie is quite expensive. Add to that, you only get to watch a movie in a theater once at most, unless you have a lot of money to spend. That’s not adding the time cost, or every effort you pour into doing the tasks when going to a theater to watch a movie. If you have a good-enough PC monitor, you can watch a movie from the comfort of your own home. Another feature of this monitor is that it’s adjustable to the point where it stands upright. Check out the LG 32UD99-W and further enhance the eye-candy factor of your movies.   No one will ruin your movie, unlike in a theater where some moviegoers are noisy while inside. You also have control, because you can pause and play your movie at will. Another benefit of watching a movie on 4K monitors is quality. While it’s a no-brainer that going to the theater is enjoyable, it comes with its disadvantages. One example is that the image quality on a big screen is different from a small screen. Film projectors are not that reliable because the resolution’s quality appears filtered. It’s better to watch on a small but good screen because you can see everything. Yet another benefit of watching a movie on a PC monitor is the brightness. As mentioned, movies on the big screen tend to have a filtered look on them, and as such lowers the quality. If you watch a movie on 4K monitors, you can adjust the monitor’s brightness. Unlike watching at a theater where you can’t adjust the projector.  

Things to Consider When Buying a 4K Monitor



Size refers to the physical aspect of 4K monitors. It also refers to how much space the monitor occupies. The monitors mentioned above range from 27 inches to as big as 49 inches, so some of them are quite big. You need to consider a monitor’s size because you need to be able to use them without interference. A monitor’s surface also comes into play when considering its size. You have to decide on what kind of table to use because it should be able to accommodate a monitor size-wise.  


Resolution refers to the number of pixels that a monitor can display. It also refers to whether or not everything is noticeable in the monitor. The more pixels a monitor has, the better the display. Keep in mind that resolution is the most important part of a monitor. A monitor without the right resolution is no good because you won’t be able to see anything properly.  

Aspect Ratio

Aspect Ratio is the ratio of the screen’s height and width. It is also the measure of whether or not a monitor is good for playing widescreen content. The most common aspect ratios are 16:9 and 16:10. Most monitors today have the 16:9 aspect ratio. A 16:10 monitor is good for watching a movie because it spreads out a movie through the display. In short, it allows you to see everything.  

Color Display

What you see on your monitor when watching a movie is dependent on your monitor’s color display. A monitor should always be able to display all colors in an RGB color setting. Most monitors today have this covered, so this should not be a problem at all.  

Refresh Rate

Refresh rate refers to motion in the monitor. It refers to the smoothness of motion in whatever is on the screen. It enhances the experience by “feeling movement” from what you’re watching. The refresh rate’s unit is Hertz (Hz).  

Response Time

The response time of a monitor is the time it takes to switch from one color to another. It is a measure of the monitor going from black to white to black again, in a matter of milliseconds. The response time of a monitor ranges from 10 milliseconds to one millisecond.  


This is the most important thing to consider when buying 4K monitors. Your monitor should be good for its price and should be able to deliver customer satisfaction. A buyer should set a specific budget or price range to help in what they are looking for in 4K monitors.   

Other Features

  A monitor is for display, but that does not mean that its function stops there. Other features to look for in a monitor include:

Touch screen technology USB and other ports If it’s curved 

Curved monitors enhance immersion. The curved shape helps in seeing images as three-dimensional. Unlike in flat monitors that are two-dimensional because of its flat shape.

Built-in speakers Ergonomics (If the stand is adjustable)


Taking Care of Your PC Monitor

  The monitor as the display hardware is an important part of a PC setup. The monitors above range from expensive to not too much, and so it’s only natural that we take good care of our monitors. The primary thing to take care of in a monitor is the screen itself, and here are some tips. Use a clean, soft cloth. It’s better to use a lint-free cloth because it does not leave behind fluff. Ordinary cleaning cloths are not recommended as they leave behind such. Fluff leads to ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) and damages the monitor. A microfiber cloth is a good example of lint-free cloth. You only have to put a small amount of cleaning solution on the cloth when cleaning a monitor.  

Cleaning Solutions You Can Use

Distilled or filtered water Isopropyl Alcohol A mixture of both distilled/filtered water and isopropyl alcohol LCD cleaning solutions

Isopropyl alcohol is usable but only in small amounts. Water on its own is enough to use when cleaning a monitor’s screen. Use distilled or filtered water, as tap water has foreign elements that damage the screen. If you use tap water, it leaves behind streaks and smudges on the monitor.  

Not Useable When Cleaning Monitors

Acetone Ethyl Alcohol Toluene Ethyl acid Ammonia Ethyl chloride

The above materials are ammonia-based and are corrosive. They deteriorate the screen by removing the screen’s coating and also causes clouding.  

Other Caring Methods to Remember

Do not touch or tap your screen. Touching or tapping your monitor’s screen contributes to dead pixels. Do not scrub hard when cleaning. Same as touching or tapping your screen, it also results in pixel damage. Scrubbing light is enough, especially when using a cleaning solution. Do not stick adhesives, such as post-it notes, on the screen. The leftover adhesive hardens up and becomes acidic, which damages the monitor. Handle your monitor with care when moving it around. Dust off your monitor’s accumulated dust every once in a while.

And there you have it, a buying guide for the latest monitors currently out in the market. It’s important to remember that there are various monitors to choose from. There’s always a monitor that will fit your needs or wants, and what matters is you enjoy the movie you will watch using it.

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